WELLCOME TO INOXFORMA'S WEB OUR COMPANY For more than 45 years, we are transforming stainless steel, this is where our name comes from: INOXFORMA, we give shape to stainless steel. We are a global and dinamic company, we are exporting more than 80% of our production directly to Europe, EEUU, and Russia. We are a company in a constant evolution in order to be able to adapt to the latest tecnologies investing in technical and human sources in order to be able to offer our costumes the best service and product. Our aim is to be your global supplier, offering a product partly or completely finished following your needs, working with the quality concerted. For this reason, we have the last technologies in our facilities of more than 8000m2, with production technologies and assembly fascilities mechanical and/or electric-electronic in order to be able to ensure the best quality and servies in the same partner. CERTIFICATONS INOXFORMA is certified by ISO 9001 since 1997 and ISO 14001 since 2001. About the welding systems, we have our welders certificed and the process homologated in Europe and EEUU following the european rules UNE-EN ISO 15614-1.   | INTERNATONAL USA / SPAIN/ FRANCE / GERMANY/ HOLLAND / AUSTRIA / ITALY/ SLOVENIA / POLAND/ PORTUGAL / FINLÀNDIA / RUSIA/ CHINA  VIEW MAP |